Anagram Custom Mural is an aNa artist and anaystof LLC application that helps you to create Artworks composed with words remotely

How to compose your custom mural
How to Customize a Mural using Anagram
Anagram is designed by aNa artist
aNa artist Creates a whole collection of numeric bricks to allow you to build your own custom numeric mural.
She is a professional artist working since 1998. Ana’s purpose is to include people into her artistic world. She set up programs to make you able to feel like an artist. She first wants you to create with her. But she wish you could do by yourself.
Anaystof is a dedicated custom numeric fresco crew
So she and her crew, work day after day, to code digital tools. anagram is the most famous one. Because you can do it totally by yourself. And you can invite your guys to be part of the game.
How does that numeric custom fresco work?
This is really easy!
Ana already set up everything for you. You juste have to follow the guide lines.
Our numeric mural app guide lines
1 _ Access your best gallery
You can choose different offers. Each one gives you instant access to even more models already pre-loaded into your gallery.
- The letters’s gallery
- A numbers’ gallery
- Some models gallery
It is possible to order a one model gallery. Or you can choose several.
You may want to sign for the full access with everything we have for you there. So you decide if you want it once for a month, for a special event for exemple.
Or you can sign for a yearly plan and play with friends and teammates all year long.

2 _ Color your elements
First color every éléments you will need to compose your final numeric artwork. As soon as your done with one, you press on « add to gallery » button.
So you will have on the first time, to give a name to your personal gallery.
Then, after that, each time you press the « add to gallery » button, you please enter that name code.
That way, every design you produce goes directly into your own private gallery.
3 _ Compose your Custom Mural
When you did customize all elements you wanted, you have to reach the personal gallery. You would find all bricks you dropped.
On top of that gallery, press on the yellow « CANVAS » button.
It brings you into a grid with all your models set by side.
3 _ Set up your own grid
First set up properly your own square grid. You can choose to add rowes.
4 _ Drag and drop your tiles
Finally, you can compose your mural! Just drag and drop every elements one by one from the side* gallery. (*Or top gallery on smartphone)
You can remove, delete and even rotate every bricks.

More about anaystof LLC
Anaystof LLC is a US company own by aNa artist and Chris.
Chris is aNa’s husband. They are working all together since 1998.
Their career started back in 1998, by doing portraits, caricatures and silhouettes in Disney resort’s parks.
Back in France, they set up ANAYSTOF France to develop ART services for business and entertainment.
During COVID, they turned anaystof’s business into a digital solution. With a team of coders, they transformed all skills and experiences to create new numeric features everybody can use remotely or during in venue events.
Anagram is the most desirable app they build. Because you can create a real artwork by yourself. But you even can write down and share your own message with letters and numbers.
Pop Art is a cool fun digital game. You play to customize people’s portrait as a real Pop Art Artiste. The best value of that offer is you HAVE to share it on screen. This is so cool to invite dozens or hundreds of people to play all together and to display on air the same global digital gallery.
And last but not least, digital mural is aNa’s proper offer. This i a real ART app. You can work with her for real. But you do it remotely. This is a world class new way of investing on ART.
Plus as I am wringing down that words, Ana’s crew is still working on new app to make everything possible.